Brake Pads

What You'll Learn
Learn the basics of Brake Pads, whether for your Passenger Vehicle or your Truck, including maintenance, tools & equipment, material, how to- and when to change.
What You'll Learn
Maintaining your vehicle’s brake pads will extend their longevity and keep you safe.
Learn the how and the why’s behind brake pad maintenance.
What You'll Learn
Changing your brake pads requires having the right tools & equipment. And you may have many of them already in your garage or can purchase from an autocare center near you.
What You'll Learn
Hearing a noise coming from your car wheel? Is it the right time to change your brake pads.
Learn when it is the right time to change brake pads.
What You'll Learn
Do all vehicles use the same brake pads? Does a race car require a different brake pad than your passenger vehicle? Does a truck use a different brake pad than a car?
Learn the difference between all of the above and what brake pad is right for your needs.
What You'll Learn
What material makes up your car’s brake pads? Why are your front tires so black and not your rear tires? Is all brake pad material equally safe?
Learn the array of different materials used for brake pads.
What You'll Learn
Are you a do-it-yourselfer who changes your car’s brake pads? If not, can you learn?
Learn how to change your brake pads the safe and inexpensive way.