Brake Pads: Maintenance
Maintaining your vehicle’s brake pads will extend their longevity and keep you safe.
Learn the how and the why’s behind brake pad maintenance.

Winter Is Coming: Watch Out for Moisture in Your Brake Fluid
Test for Contamination and Flush Out That Nasty Old Fluid to Protect Your Brake System You may keep a careful watch on the wear of your brake pads. But how about your brake fluid? Did you know brake fluid is not a lifetime fill and
What Are the Signs That It’s Time to Change Your Brakes?
How do you know when to change your brakes? A general rule of thumb is to replace your brake pads every 35,000 miles — but rules of thumb only get you so far. What if you have high-performance pads installed? Or what if you live

Summer Vacation Road Trip? Check Your Brakes Before You Go
A summer weekend is the perfect time to hop into your car and go on that road trip you’ve been waiting for. But when you’re heading out for some fun in the sun, it’s best to make sure your vehicle is prepared, particularly if it
What Happens if You Don’t Change Brake Pads
Resources You should understand what can happen if you don’t change brake pads or have someone else do it for you. The first thing to know is brake pads are expected to wear out as you drive your car or truck. Even a new vehicle

Get Ready for Summer on the Road: Hot Weather Means It’s Time to Maintain Your Vehicle’s Brakes
Ready to hit the road this summer? Is your car? If it has been sitting all winter, you need to make sure you can stop before you go. During April’s National Car Care Month, automotive expert Lauren Fix (pictured above) offers tips for drivers to get
How to Prevent Rust and Keep Your Vehicle Ready During Winter Driving
Why Winter Road Brine Can Create Corrosion That Harms Your Brakes’ Performance and Lifespan When you rotated your tires, did you find your brakes and braking components needed replacing well before they’ve reached their expected lifespan because of corrosion? It’s not uncommon. The granular road